“Spooky Hallow’s Eve” by Ava

It started off like a normal teenage story; new school, new friends, new teachers, but all of a sudden everyone was so interested in me! I did not like it at all, but I played along with it.

A few days later they were bored of me. I shouted out loud, “thank God.” I like to keep to myself. I heard my name being called by a voice I have not heard before. I turned around. It was a boy. He was younger than me. I knew straight away, because I was much taller than him.

He wore a black and red stripy shirt and a grey jacket. His hair was like it had not been brushed in days. He looked like the mad scientist. His hair was black, coming down to blonde. “Do I know you?”, I asked. No response. All he did was sign language; good thing I learned it in my old school.

I asked what his name was (again), but obviously in sign language. His name was Will. ‘Hi, I’m Kate.” He pointed at himself, then at me and clapped once. That meant, “Can we be friends?” I said yes.
Will would come over to my house every day. He was my best friend . NOW IT’S TIME FOR THE BITE YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR (he could not hear how loud he was.) We were in the park so it was fine. I heard a strange noise coming from the bushes and went to check it out. I reached for the bush and a hand grabbed me. I screamed and screamed, but Will did not hear me because he was deaf. He/she was out smarted because I had a pocket knife. I grabbed it quickly, pressed the button and BOOM; I chopped its hand off. I tapped Will on shoulder and dragged him following the trail of blood. The blood was leading up to the creepy old house.

We stayed outside for a while and heard creaking stairs ,wood breaking and screams. I rushed into the house leaving Will behind. The door slammed behind me and a creepy figure was in the dark; standing in a pool of blood. When I shone my light on its face it was like a person but it wasn’t really. It was dragging its leg on the floor, its face was like it had been punched over and over and its hand had been chopped off (that must have been how I chopped off its hand). He made an angry sound when coming closer and closer. He grabbed my neck and lifted me into the air. I kicked him in the stomach and ran up the stairs.

When I got to the top of the stairs, I saw a ladder leading up to the attic . As I got closer, I heard whispering, so I climbed the ladder to see what it was. I peeked my head over and it was the two girls I used to hang out with .They were shaking. I grabbed the girls’ hands and dragged them all the way back to Will. Will ran over to me with the biggest smile. I thought he was going to hug me but the two girls were his sisters. It turns out the guy with no hand was in a costume. THEN WHOSE HAND DID I CHOP OFF …

A few months later I was in school when all of a sudden; there was the person with no hand standing in the hall. It was looking at me with a mad and angry face. It ran over to me, but I kicked it into the janitor’s closet before it got any closer. I locked the door before it got out. I had to use all my strength to hold him there. I got a chair and put it under the door and ran to Will’s class room. I pulled Will by the ear and dragged him to where the no hand guy was. We went to the cops to show them what we found.

Once we got to the school the no hand guy was gone and the only evidence left was the claw marks on the lockers. What do you think happened next?

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